Is Vaping once or twice would be really bad after pinhole gum surgery?

Is Vaping once or twice would be really bad after pinhole gum surgery?

Vaping after pinhole gum surgery? My periodontist made if very clear to not smoke tabacco products or any marijuana which I do not do. I used to smoke ciggs however I quit and took up vaping. Oh yeah I can't drink either. I'm kinda losing my mind as it's fraustrating to not be able to do literally anything and eating is limited to soft foods for at least I week or two. I had the surgery done on Monday and it is Friday night now. Wondering if anyone thinks hitting a vape once or twice would be really bad for my healing gum or not? I know it's not recommended but neither is smoking and I'm sure alot of people give in to that and that is much worse and harsher on the mouth than taking a hit or two off a vape a few times a day. Any insight or opinions on this would be appreciated. Thank you!!!!

Best Answer:  I got 2 teeth removed on Wednesday and the leaflet says don't drink alcohol and eat soft foods and nothing hot and avoid smoking - I lit a cigarette as soon as I came out of the dentists and 10 minutes later when I got home I had a warm cup of coffee and I have had no problems